African Marketplace and Benefit Concert!
Join Us in Asheville, December 9! Buy Tickets Here! Covenant Community Church 11 Rocket Drive, Asheville, NC 5-7 PM African Crafts and Food for Sale 7-9 pm Concert, featuring Kinobe from Uganda and Chris Shebango from Swaziland, and Asheville mixed choir. Proceeds support school and vocational center in Uganda. Marketplace: Authentic African …
Kinobe Benefit Concert – September 9th!
World musician Kinobe Herbert (kinobemusic.com), and author/photographer Carrie Wagner (carriewagner.com) join together to share music and stories from the heart, in the gallery that exhibits Portraits of Uganda, Carrie’s photographs that celebrate 25 years of relationship and ongoing development work in Uganda. Kinobe (chinobay) is a gifted Ugandan musician and philanthropist known for his inspired …
Portraits of Uganda in Charlotte!
Join us for 2 events in Charlotte, September 1-23, 2017. Buy Concert Tickets Here! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kinobe-benefit-concert-tickets-36972232944?aff=eac2
Women’s Savings and Loan Groups
After an amazing, crazy week in Kampala we headed out to the rural Kasese District. Our heads and our hearts were already full with everyone we had met and the incredible work being done by women who would probably consider themselves ordinary Ugandans, but who in fact are pretty extraordinary Ugandans. They are …
Visiting and Networking with Organizations in Kampala
In our first few days in Kampala we had the opportunity to visit a Kiwuwa Foundation project based in Maganjo, an outlying slum of Kampala. The Kiwuwa Foundation runs a small but promising program for young school children who have dropped out of government schools for various reasons. James Kiwuwa explained that the “Catch Up …
Building Partnerships
When the Village Wisdom team set out on our 2016 trip to Uganda, we went with open hearts, open minds and hopeful attitudes. We also went with goals for exploring potential partners and pathways for fair trade development. Our team, Carrie Wagner, Laurie Morgan, Molly Dingledine, and Mandy Broderick, came together in partnership with common interests …
Back Home with Stories to Share!
Carrie Wagner, Mandy Broderick, Molly Dingledine, and Laurie Morgan travelled to Uganda in July, 2016 to work directly with artisans and craft cooperatives. They explored and shared best practices for fair trade, entrepreneurship, and economic development strategies for sustaining the livelihood of vulnerable women and children. The following blog posts will tell the stories from their wonderful …
We’re Off to Uganda!
I watched the sunrise in Atlanta this morning, and I board my first flight at 2:30 this afternoon. After 22 hours of travel, I will see the sun set in Africa. We are off for a big adventure! Look out Uganda – here come Carrie, Mandy, Molly, and Laurie.
Countdown for Departure
Two weeks from today, we will have arrived in Kampala, and will be acclimating to a different time and culture. Our long planned trip to Uganda is finally upon us and our daily thoughts are consumed with the logistics of international travel. As is usual and quite normal …