Our Mission

Village Wisdom team

Village Wisdom is a network of collaborative organizations and individuals who connect, share, and exchange across cultures to build capacity for sustainable economic growth, and to equip hearts and minds for equitable business relationships.


Village Wisdom Ventures is a North Carolina-based team, working in partnership with Kiwuwa Achievement to launch the first Village Wisdom service-learning trip. Carrie Wagner, Mandy Broderick, Laurie Morgan, and Molly Dingledine are traveling to Uganda in July 2016, to explore partner development with women’s cooperatives and artisans, vocational training in jewelry and apparel design for a global market, group savings and credit, and fair trade business practices.

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Our Mission is to provide opportunities for sustaining the livelihood of vulnerable women and children through the development of direct fair trade business partnerships, service learning opportunities, and vocational training.

We achieve our goals through working in partnership with local leaders and community members to learn and share best practices of fair trade, entrepreneurship, and culturally appropriate economic development models.

We value authentic global connection, equitable relationships, story sharing, ethical consumerism, and environmentally responsible practices.




Village Wisdom Ventures works in partnership with Kiwuwa Achievement, a Ugandan community development organization, dedicated to empowering youth and communities to succeed in a global economy. The founding of Kiwuwa Achievement was inspired by the book, Village Wisdom; Immersed in Uganda, Inspired by Job, Changed for Life, by Carrie Wagner.